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Spreading The Gospel Of The Kingdom Abroad Zach. 1:17



In search of what your purpose is, it is important primarily you understanding the different between Calling, Purpose and Assignment, without which you may not truly understand what your purpose is all about. 

Oftentimes it seems so difficult to actually differentiate between Calling, Purpose and Assignment, because of their similarity and how it has be misrepresent. 

I. Calling 

Calling speaks of your field of life or endeavor, calling is also known as a segment of life that has be assign or allocated for you by God to express or fulfill your destiny. Your first discovering shouldn’t be purpose but calling, I.e were you belong. e.g, A man can be called into ministry or medical field which is known as calling. 

Example of Areas of Calling 

We have; Ministry, Music, Fashion, Education, Family Life, Politics and Government, Art, Entertainment, Marketing, Media, Leadership, Catering etc. 

Your ought most priority on earth should be first, to discover which of the above areas you where assign to fulfilled destiny.

In five (5) minutes can you examine your life and check from the listed above fields of endeavor in life where do you belong. 

II. Purpose 

Purpose is the original intent of your calling i.e the reason why you were called into ministry, fashion, education, etc.

In order to grasp this explanation properly you have to understand the fivefold ministry: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. 

Ephesian 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers.

Let’s take for example Mr John is called into any of this fivefold ministry,  he is called into ministry (known as Calling). But the purpose or intent of his calling is to preach the gospel (referred as Purpose). 

III. Assignment 

Assignment is a specific task assigned to you alone by God that specify your area of focus, it is on this segment your uniqueness is reveal.  A teacher of the gospel is called into ministry (which is referred as calling) the purpose is to preach the gospel (original intent) why his or her assignment is to preach the gospel (his or her Gods given vision) THROUGH TEACHING in a unique way . 

A gospel artist for example is called into music ministry (known as calling), the purpose is to sing (original intent) but his or her assignment is to sing with a discrete uniqueness. 

Your assignment is in your purpose, why your purpose is found in your calling. 

However, what you should seek out for initially is your calling, which area of life do I belong to, then for what purpose (original intent or reason) I am called in that area, and finally what is my assignment or vision in this field of life. 

Now, i will like you to understand that to be void of understanding of what your assignment is in life, is to channel time, energy, resources, talents and gifts in a wrong direction. 

Your assignment is traceable to what you do unashamedly.

Your assignment is something you alone must discern and discover while you are on earth. It is for this reason your relationship with Holy Spirit is of absolute necessity simply because Holy Spirit is the revealer, the only person that have the ability to search God’s ordain plan and purpose for your life. 

Daniel 2:22 He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

1 Corinthians 2:10 But God hath revealed them unto US BY HIS SPIRIT: for the SPIRIT SEARCHETH ALL THINGS, yea, the deep things of God.

2:11 For what through the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the THINGS OF GOD KNOWETH NO MAN, BUT THE SPIRIT OF GOD.

I believer you were blessed?

Don't forget to send us how you were inspired vial the comment box bellow, remain blessed. 

A. I. Friday 

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  1. This really enlightened me and gave me the clarity I needed, thank you.

  2. Thank you very much,I am really blessed

  3. Really inspiring and thought me the difference between calling, purpose and assignment. Thank you very much. I bless you sir.
