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Spreading The Gospel Of The Kingdom Abroad Zach. 1:17




I. Silent

One of the most powerful force in a relationship that quenches anger is the ability to remain quite when you are offended by your fiancée.

I am not saying you shouldn’t let him or her know what is wrong, NO! but learn not to make corrections at instant when angry, it will get things worse the more. After some few minutes or hours simply walk up to him or her and make the necessary corrections in love. It's wise for the offender to say “I AM SORRY” from his or her heart not just from lips.

The best way to make correction in any relationship is to do it in love.

Proverb 15:1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

15:2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.

And also you must learn not to respond to every words. If truly you want the relationship to end in marriage.

2. Patient

Ecclesiastes 7:9 Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.

1 Thessalonian 5:14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, BE PATIENT TOWARD ALL MEN.

Ecclesiastes 7:8 ……… and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

As a believer it is of great necessity you lean to put your thoughts, actions, and utterances under SELF-CONTROL in order to avoid hurting words, think before your speak.

Be sincere with yourself the ways you gets angry at your fiancée if he or she get mad at you in such manner will you be pleased.

Learn to be patient and don’t allow anger to destroy your God’s ordain relationship, for it is unwise to be hasty in thy spirit to anger.

3. Forgiveness

Act 24:16 And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.

Anyone who is genuinely been consistent in practicing forgiveness does not get angry easily.

You must possess the ability to forgive and let go of the hurts.

I believe you want the relationship to work out right? You just need to learn how to forgive because hurt and offence is inevitable when dealing with two personality in relationship.

If you accumulate his or her flaws in your heart sooner or later you will get tired of the relationship, and it may lead to breakup then both of you will become enemy simply because of your unguided nonchalant attitude.

It’s expedient that you understand this fact of forgiveness, the reason why your fiancée offend you is simply because he or she is your fiancée. YES! And that he or she is the closest to you. Wisdom demand that every issues that arise in courtship should be handle amicably.

He or she is close that why the offense came, alright! Forgive and let peace of Jesus reign in your relationship.

All these points all bowed dawn to two things “UNDERSTANDING AND SELF-CONTROL”.

The true character and nature of a believer does not totally except him or her from been angry but there is an ability bestowed in you through the nature of Christ by the Holy Ghost to control you anger "SELF-CONTROL”.

Don't forget to send us how you were inspired vial the comment box bellow, remain blessed. 

A. I. Friday

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