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Spreading The Gospel Of The Kingdom Abroad Zach. 1:17



The solid film foundation of any believer begin with a genuine encounter with the person of Jesus. This is an experience not an assumption, you can know and be sure that you are saved. 

2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

An encounter with the person of Jesus will alter your life completely for a positive change, If this experience did not cause a dramatic transformation in your life completely it is not Jesus you met may be a man. 

I had this experience many years ago for good three years I cannot explain what was happening to my life, unusual peace, passion and love for God, my entire life was practically taken from that moment till eternity. 

To encounter the person of Jesus is a compulsory factor if you desire to spend you eternal life in peace. 

If a sinner “unbeliever” repent from his or her sins, then confess with his or her mouth and believe in the heart that Jesus is the son of God, died on the cross and arose again the third day, the power of the blood of Jesus will clean his or her sins away forever, then the spirit of God “Holy Spirit” will do a quick work (miracle) in his or her heart, “a spiritual work in your inner man” and that person will be born of the spirit into the family of God. This is called; born again, born from above, and born of the spirit.

Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Have you received the free gift of salvation today?

One of the principal determinant if your Christian experience is genuine is your encounter with the person of Jesus. You can’t grow spiritually, live an effective Christian life without a solid encounter otherwise your religions activities will keep revolving round a cycle, the reason is because your height spiritually will be determine by your depth in Christ. 

One of the reasons why some persons seems not to last in the faith is because they only identify with a denomination but were never translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light by the blood of Jesus. 

Receive Jesus today and experience a turnaround in your life.

The reason for your existence is simply because of your God given purpose to fulfill here on earth, and that purpose cannot be reveal to you without salvation. Therefore, you must be born again if you have not yet receive the free life Jesus gave, from your heart say this prayer of salvation for new birth or rededication. 

Dear Jesus

Lord Jesus have mercy on me, for I know I am a sinner and need your forgiveness of sins. 

I believe you died in my place and arose from the grave to make me new and to prepare me to live in your presence forever. 

Jesus, come into my life, take control of my life, forgive my sins and save me. 

I put my trust on you alone for my salvation and i receive your free gift of eternal life today in Jesus name. 


Congratulation welcome back to the family of God.

Hallelujah !!!!! 

Don't forget to send us how you were inspired via the comment box bellow, remain blessed. 

A. I. Friday 

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