If there is any thing in your
life right now that seems not working never you hope someday it will
turn out as you desire without taking action, reason because, hope does
not have the capacity to deliver any result in this kingdom, hope is a
system God design to help us endure the process before faith delivers
our desire result.
Hope do not deliver your desire result but faith does.
everything in this life that is working there is someone making it
work. Everything in this life was design by God to be at state of rest
including your destiny until it experience an external force (action).
You may have taking some steps but that does not means that is all there is, dig deep until you have your desire result.
in itself is the master key to have your desire result, faith is not
just believe, faith is a composite word which comprises of four things:
1. Instruction
2. Believe
3. Action
4. Result
So the goal is not to seat down and conclude in your heart someday I just believe everything will be better. NO!
responsibility and make enquiries from God in regards to that challenge
you are going through right now, then afterward receive an accurate
instruction from God, believe the giver of the instruction, act on the
instruction received, then God who is able to make all grace abound
towards you will deliver your desire result through your action. (2
Corinthians 9:8).
NB: Nothing frustrat our desire result as believers like when we turn faith to hope.